How We Help

Manoa CPA LLC serves businesses in Honolulu, Hawaii and throughout the Hawaiian Islands. The firm specializes in closely-held businesses, with an emphasis on the construction industry and employee-owned entities. Carleton Williams, the Managing Member of Manoa CPA LLC, serves as an independent director for employee-owned entities and other for-profit organizations.

Financial Reporting Services

Building on decades of experience, to meet the needs of your stakeholders, Manoa CPA LLC reports on financial statements, notes to financial statements, and applicable supplementary information prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (U.S. GAAP), or another framework of accounting, such as the cash basis of accounting. We currently offer compilation and review services in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services (SSARS) promulgated by American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). These services are performed using CCH Axcess Engagement and CCH Axcess Knowledge Coach software, both of which are sophisticated, cloud-based accounting applications for specific industries and business types that are frequently updated for changes in the accounting and business environment. Manoa CPA LLC operates in a secure, Microsoft Office 365 based environment.

Need help in determining your financial reporting service needs? Contact Carleton Williams at and he will help you.

Client Advisory Services

Client advisory services is any form of advice regularly given to the owners and management of an entity to enhance the success and sustainability of the entity. Manoa CPA LLC focuses on the financial and nonfinancial activities of the entity from an analytical and strategic point of view and offers guidance to help the entity achieve its fiscal objectives.

Need help in determining your client advisory service needs? Contact Carleton Williams at and he will help you.

Tax Services

Manoa CPA LLC does not do taxes. We team with other firms that have the capacity and competency to provide high quality tax services efficiently and effectively.

Need help in determining your tax service needs? Contact Carleton Williams at and he will help you.